The New Face of Manufacturing: InLine Engineers
With the needs of the food and beverage industry rapidly changing, process and packaging design firm InLine Engineers, a Gray company, recognizes the need to be continually evolving to keep up with this highly dynamic industry.

InLine Engineers has worked with companies such as Kellogg Company, The Coca-Cola Company, Folgers, Keebler, Johnsonville, Chelten House Products, Inc., Bel Cheese and Jack Daniel’s. With over two decades of experience, InLine works to develop a seamless integration of traditional processes and new technology demands to deploy IIoT solutions effectively.
“We pay attention to detail by executing multiple formal Design Reviews, typically at the 30 percent, 60 percent and 90 percent design phases,” said Gary Sisler, director at InLine. “We listen to our customers about how they want to connect all plant processes, collect production and operations data and control selected processes remotely.”
The company strives to blend IIoT technology capabilities with their customer’s already proven manufacturing methods.
“InLine is passionate about our customers. While an increase in capital projects often overburdens a company’s normal staff and prevent them from focusing on their daily production support roles, we act as a force multiplier, improving our customers’ engineering bench strength with capable food and beverage- savvy engineers,” added Kevin Reid, vice president at InLine.
In May, Gray Construction acquired InLine Engineers to enhance both companies’ service offerings to provide unified, turnkey engineering solutions and execution from one resource specifically for the food and beverage industry.
Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a contributing author and not necessarily Gray.
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